Sunday, 21 October 2007

Australian motorcycle tour - review.

Revised 24.10.2007Wow what a road trip!Back home after my sometimes challenging but enjoyable motorcycle tour. The weather and a lack of cold or wet weather experience on my part tested me on a few occasions however I overcame a number of difficulties to complete the trip and am very glad I gave it a go.This is a report on the ride, the road reviews will follow, but I have included a preview

Thursday, 4 October 2007

20 short rides

Revised 11.05.2008There are many short side roads I use that do not warrant a post of their own. I shall mention the ones that I feel may be of some interest to riders having nice curves or other features and repost this as it grows.Edit: Now retitled 20 short rides as this post has altered from listing a few side roads or short cuts to include many short rides that can be added on.NorthMountain