Saturday, 17 July 2010

Easy way to transfer routes from Google maps to GPS

Inspired by motorcycle paradise reader Rob to dig out my GPS for the upcoming overseas holiday I started by revisiting the methods of transferring a Google map type route to the device and found the developers of Tyre, a motorcycle GPS routing solution have extended the software to work with Garmin GPS units. Hallelujah at last a simply solution! But first the background to why this has made me

Sunday, 11 July 2010

The best motorcycle roads in Japan

The Japanese BikeJin magazine held a survey of it’s readers to rate their best roads. Scenery as well as road surface/curves were considered so the final ranking reflects the voters opinions on that. I managed to get a copy of the April issue that had this article and will give a bit more info here with some notes on the scans mainly on some of the roads that are within riding distance from

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Pant - Boot clamps

I used to ride with Draggin Jeans however switched to pants also with knee armor (and then knee + hip armor) after reading that relatively few riders slide on their bum Vs hitting their hip or knee on the ground when involved in an accident.  However knee armor in pants does tend to make the pants ride up my legs regardless of how I adjust the pads or the brand and model. After my last ride

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Katy Perry

The Cedar Route

Despite being tempted to ride south and stay within the less cold coastal areas I went west after a slow start. I stayed up later then I was going to watching tv and had a hard time getting going. I also left wearing regular summer socks and without my full winter gloves which I was going to regret by the time I got to Peak Crossing in route to Aratula, so I stopped to take some photos.

Saturday, 3 July 2010

iPhone motorcycle GPS

I have been disappointed in my Garmin GPS and stopped using it some tine ago altogether. For my upcoming Europe ride and for use on other rental motorcycles I wanted a GPS and this is what I have come up with. This is a iPhone GPS solution for motorbikes developed by WikiMobi called SoEasyGPS. The system works like this, the case has a waterproof outer that you remove to access the main case