Saturday, 25 May 2013

5 simple ways to be warmer when riding this winter

I did a 1/2 day ride north this morning and noticed a lot of motorbikes out but most of them were parked at coffee shops with riders holding steaming mugs with both hands, crouched over, trying to get warm. Looking at all the expensive motorcycles I am guessing it is not lack of money that stops people from having proper winter gear but their desire to dress a certain way, to project a

Friday, 10 May 2013

Motorcycling Northern Thailand

Northern Thailand is a not mentioned every day when people talk about great riding areas but I had been reading on forums the roads there were very good and indeed they turned out to be excellent. Something I paid less attention to in my research is the north of Thailand gets quite hazy with smoke from burning off before the April/May rains arrive. I thought ok how bad can it be. Quite bad as it